Allow me to help you take care of your mind body and soul. I’ve been offering my fitness expertise for over ten years, which resulted in improved mental and physical well being of my clients. ALL levels welcome.


The only workout you regret is the one that you didn’t do.


🎵Free your mind and the rest will follow.🎵

Personal training and a variety of classes offered:

  • Yoga

    Increase muscle strength and flexibility, boost your endurance, improve posture, strengthen bones, relax your mind, improve your mental health.

  • Pilates

    Increases abdominal and back strength, decrease back pain, prevents injuries, increases energy, improves flexibility and mobility, improves balance, improves sports performance, and improves sleep.

  • Zumba

    FUN! Great for weight loss, great for decreasing stress, improves heart health, improves lung capacity, improves coordination, improves your mood, increases your metabolism, opportunity to make new friends.

  • Bootcamp

    Small group class, indoors or outdoors, which includes moderate to intense cardio and resistance training, using body weight and various exercise equipment--ideal for improved heart health, weight loss, increased bone density and building a stronger leaner body.

  • Personal training

    One on one training or small group, online via ZOOM, or in person. Coached exercises done with body weight, bands, weights, battle ropes and kettlebells. I TAKE THE TIME TO SHOW YOU PROPER FORM AND EXECUTION OF EXERCISES and give modifications as needed.